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Aug 14 Diversity, In the Community

Higgs’ USD School of Law Diversity Scholarship Funded by its Attorneys for 3rd Straight Year

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Congratulations to another successful year for Higgs Fletcher & Mack attorneys

Beginning in 2010, our attorneys have created and funded to the USD School of Law a scholarship entitled Higgs Fletcher and Mack Diversity Scholarship.  23 of our attorneys graduated from USD School of Law.  In addition, attorneys who are not graduates also wanted to show their support for diversity in legal education.  As a result, USD has set the standard for law firms, particularly in the large firms for promoting diversity through this unique and lasting fundraising effort as we commit ourselves to be a leader in helping diversity students obtain their goal of graduating from law school.

A list of the contributors from our Firm is as follows:  Steve Cologne, Robert Fitzpatrick, Victoria Fuller, Loren Freestone, Michael Gibson, Jon Grissom, Alexis Gutierrez, Susan Hack, Jim Harrigan, Dan Herbert, Laura Heyne, Craig Higgs, Bill Low, Margaret Mangin, Susan Mercure, Will Miller, Cynthia Morgan-Reed, John Morrell, Catherine Morrison, Julian Myers, Bruce O’Brien, Mary Robberson, Jason Ross, Phil Samouris, Dick Shaw, Sam Sherman, Mark Stender, Rahil Swigart and Kevin Wheeler.