May 31 – In the Community
Higgs Donates $1,500 to the American Red Cross’ “Shelter of Hope” Campaign
On Thursday, June 2, the American Red Cross of San Diego/Imperial Counties and its CEO, Bill Earley, will launch its Shelter of Hope campaign. The goal is to “Help Open People’s Eyes” (HOPE), raise friends and $250,000 for those in need throughout the year, while bringing awareness to the vital services the local Red Cross provides the community with the help of valuable partners and enthusiastic supporters.
For four consecutive days, Bill will live in an 8’ x 20’ mobile container – made up as a mock disaster shelter – and travel throughout San Diego County and pop up in unexpected, yet unique places.
It costs an average of $550 to help a family of three recover from a disaster and the local Red Cross responds to an average of six disasters each week.
To support Bill, the Red Cross and this worthy cause, Higgs Fletcher & Mack has matched its 2015 donation of $1,500 to support the organizations’ efforts in San Diego and Imperial Counties.