In the Community
USD Careers in the Law
Thanks to University of San Diego School of Law alumni & current Alumni Board members Ross Bautista & Jamie Ritterbeck for representing HFM at the annual USD Careers in the Law event.…
HFM Supports Center for Community Solutions
The Center for Community Solutions, Inc. is an organization that raises funds to intervention and prevention services to victims of relationship violence and sexual assault.
Nicole Martinez Volunteers During Pro Bono Week
Thanks to Legal Aid Society of San Diego for highlighting HFM attorney Nicole Martinez as part of their Pro Bono week celebration. Community service and pro bono work are a cornerstone of…
HFM Hosts Lawyers Club Bench Bar Reception
Higgs Fletcher & Mack is once again honored to host the Lawyers Club of San Diego’s Fall Judicial Reception at our offices. This event provides an excellent opportunity for local judges, attorneys,…